Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ridiculously Easy Fruit Desert Pizza

Desert pizza is really a re-imagining of a tart.  There's a variety of ways to make them, premise being a crust covered in desertish things. This versatile version is best served cold (or room temperature) because of the cream cheese sauce.  Once the crust is baked and the cream cheese softened this takes maybe five minutes to throw together for awesome results.
Fruit Desert Pizza
1 pie crust, uncooked
1 8oz package cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

Soften cream cheese.  You can use any variety of cream or Neufchatel cheese as long as it's block, not whipped.

Roll out the pie crust onto a pizza pan and bake according to recipe (or box) instructions for unfilled crust.  Let cool completely. 

Meanwhile, cream together the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.  When crust is completely cooled spread with cream cheese mixture.  Arrange fruit on top of cheese.  I used blue berries, but as you can imagine about any fruit will do.  Try sliced strawberries and kiwi, just about any berry, canned Mandarin oranges, canned peaches or pineapple rings.

Garnish with a dusting of powdered sugar or whipped cream, if desired.  Be careful cutting, as a cold pie crust can be brittle.  Enjoy!

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