Monday, March 21, 2011

Simplifying Salad

Since we've been dieting we've been eating more salad.  Naturally.  We've always meant to get more raw fruits and veggies in our diets, but never quite managed.  Part of it, it turns out, is that sitting down and making a really nice salad from scratch is time consuming.  So I decided to build us a salad bar.

Okay, not a real salad bar, but I wanted stuff for salads all cut up and ready to go. If I have to take 20 minutes to prep a salad, I'm not going to eat that.  I'm going to go for something quick.  I also didn't want to have to take a half-dozen small containers or bags out. The solution was simpler than I thought.  Remember those Tupperware-style hors d'ouvre carriers?  I found one at Wal-Mart at a reasonable price.  Now I prep our salad bar in one of those.

The salad is pre-prepped too, so now it's just a couple minutes to a diet friendly salad!  If the nummy veggies in here start looking limp we just make pasta sauce; most of this you can saute up and add to sauce, no problem!

About three minutes later Junior there had eaten half the cherry tomatoes.  That kid loves cherry tomatoes!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Our eye doc told us that the most important thing we can do to help our eyes is to eat a salad daily. I love your idea! That makes it easier.

    Carole K
