Sunday, August 03, 2008

Busy Busy!

Hubby says "You haven't done a blog in forever!" Yeah, I know. It's been busy! Between summer in Alaska (short and sweet, we maximize every minute) and work at Allakhazam it's been a little nuts around here!

I'm gonna cheat and throw up phone pictures from the Fair today. One thing I've learned: my phone takes lousy pictures. Junior (the child formerly known as Baby) decided that Daddy was Da Man and wouldn't even hold my hand, so I mostly got pictures of Kiddo.

First we went to an animal exhibit.

Junior was so enamored by the ducks we almost didn't get to the petting zoo (where there were more ducks). There were some teeny baby goats!

Kiddo and I were done with the petting zoo but Junior was all about ducks (coulda seen that coming!), so Kiddo had a pony ride.

Then we went for some rides. The first one is Kiddo and I on the baby roller coaster. I hate roller coasters! But it's fun when your 5-year old is laughing his head off next to you! In the second I swear all my fellahs are on that merry-go-round!

We played several of the "guaranteed to win something" games with the kids and got them some prizes. Then it was about time to head home.

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